
Halsey Talks! The Landscape as Art

Why are landscapes so prevalent in art? What is the relationship between landscape and art? From wall drawings in the Lascaux Caves and Chinese ink wash paintings to German Romanticism and American landscape painting, different cultures throughout history have nearlyRead more

Free Verse Poetry Festival – Poets Respond to Race

City Gallery 34 Prioleau St, Charleston, SC, United States

Columbia, SC poet Al Black and award-winning Sumter poet Len Lawson will read from the SC poetry anthology Hand in Hand: Poets Respond to Race. After the cases of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice became mainstream media, the foundersRead more


The Colour of Music Festival Symposium: An ode to Leontyne Price

  The Colour of Music Festival presents the Symposium: An Ode to Leontyne Price, the most famous soprano of her generation and chronicled worldwide as one of the most incredible voices in modern times. Ms. Price celebrated her 90th birthday (FebruaryRead more

$11.20 – $16.80

The Tide Is High: Where Art and Action Collide

South Carolina Aquarium 100 Aquarium Wharf, Charleston, SC, United States

In conjunction with her exhibition at the Halsey Institute as a part of the SEA CHANGE initiative, "The Tide is High", Aurora Robson will present a lecture as a part of the South Carolina Aquarium's Holland Lifelong Learning Program. "TheRead more

Free – $10

Small World: Charleston Connections

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church 67 Anson Street, Charleston, SC, United States

Charleston UK and Charleston SC epitomize the theory of six degrees of separation. Charles Anson and Juliet Nicolson, who live close to Charleston, Sussex, have unexpected local connections.  Charles Anson, former British Diplomat and Press Secretary to the Queen, isRead more

$25 – $50

Bloomsbury & Charleston: Tradition and Modernism

Charleston Library Society 164 King Street, Charleston, United States

The city of Charleston in South Carolina and Charleston, a small farmhouse in Sussex, England, share the reputation of being epicenters of modernism in the first half of the 20th century. Charleston in the UK, the rural home of theRead more

$15 – $25

Reimagining Shakespeare: The Bard at Home and Away

Circular Congregational Church 150 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC, United States

Shakespeare is both omnipresent and mysterious. In his new novel, Fools and Mortals (published in the States early next year), Bernard Cornwell, the internationally bestselling author, explores the legends surrounding Shakespeare by recreating the life of the playwright's younger brother Richard.Read more

$50 – $150

Divided We Stand: The Battle Over Women’s Rights

Charleston Library Society 164 King Street, Charleston, United States

Marjorie Spruill's recent book Divided We Stand charts the history and aftermath of "the most important event nobody knows about" (Gloria Steinem): the National Women's Conference which took place in Houston in 1977. Did it pave the way for an irrevocableRead more

$15 – $25