An event every day that begins at 11:00 am, repeating until December 7, 2019
The work of Katrina Andry probes the power structures of race-based stereotypes. For her exhibition at the Halsey Institute, Andry will explore the stereotypes that engender gentrification. Using printmaking and installation, she creates visceral images that beckon viewers to examine their own preconceived notions of society. As Charleston’s neighborhoods are rapidly changing in multifarious ways, this exhibition will provide a springboard for community-wide conversations on gentrification.
Colin Quashie creates images that comment on contemporary racial stereotypes. Combining historical relics and artifacts with icons from past and present popular culture, Quashie sharply critiques the way people of color are portrayed in modern visual culture. Using his signature caustic wit, he blends images to allow viewers to more fully explore how images of African Americans and Black culture are constructed today.