What do three philosophical monkeys, a made up language, and a dating disaster have in
common? They’re all a part of David Ives’s hilarious and poetically poignant masterpiece, All in
the Timing. Six short plays take Flowertown’s stage in what Time Magazine calls, “theatre that
aerobicizes the brain and tickles the heart.” This collection of one-acts slays audiences with wit,
charm, and comedic wordplay. “Ives is a mordant comic who has put the ‘play’ back in
playwright…A wondrous wordmaster,” praises Time magazine.
As unique as the shows themselves, so are our directors. Each piece reflects a different director
in this one-of-a-kind composition of artistry. Director Kristen Kos gives audiences a little insight
to her primal piece, Words, Words, Words, “I think everyone will go bananas for this piece.
They’d be nuts not too. Primates poking at typewriters, what are they going to do, come up with
Shakespeare?” Director Joshua Jackson poses the question, “Is it difficult to find the right words
when out on a romantic date?” Ive’s may have the answer in the play, The Universal Language.
If you like sketches or have ever wished for a second chance to make a first impression then join
Flowertown Players as “Master of Fun” David Ives spins his enchanting words over our stage.