
Charleston, SC Latino Business Day Dinner

Galgano Brazilian Steakhouse 167 East Bay Street, Charleston, SC, United States

Charleston, SC Business of the Year Award Presented to: Mrs. Iskra Perez-Salcedo, Owner of IPS Accounting Services LLC Presented by Mota Crosslink Business Academy Featuring a Proclamation from Mayor John Tecklenburg

Reflections on Contemporary Art and Faith

Wells Fargo Auditorium 5 Liberty, Charleston, SC

Join the Department of Religious Studies in the School of Business Wells Fargo Auditorium (Beatty Center, Room 115) for a lecture performance by artist, Amina Ahmen, and curatorial talks from Tyler Rollings and Leeza Ahmendy with the Foundation for SpiritualityRead more


Artist/Activist Lecture by Sue Coe

Auditorium NSCB 129 202 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC

The Department of Studio Art hosts a lecture by Sue Coe, an internationally recognized political, graphic artist and animal rights advocate serving as the School of the Arts' Quattlebaum Artist-in-Residence for 2021. Coe's profoundly moving drawings and prints focus on animalRead more


“Spanish exploration and settlement in the southeastern United States, 1514-1587” by Dr. Chester B. DePratter/“Exploraciones y asentamientos españoles en el sureste de los Estados Unidos durante los años 1514 al 1587” por el Dr. Chester B. DePratter

Blacklock House, College of Charleston 18 Bull Street, Charleston, SC

Dr. DePatter’s presentation will offer an overview of Spanish exploration and settling attempts from 1514-1587 in the United States. Dr. Chester DePratter is currently the Research Professor and Head, Research Division, South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology at theRead more


Hispanic Heritage Speaker Series


MUSC Alliance for Hispanic Health is sponsoring a Weekly lunchtime Speaker Series every Thursday from 12pm to 1pm. Free lunch is provided to the first 25 students.   09/22 – BE* 112 Enrique Grace 09/29 – BSB** 355 Nilsy Rapalo, “Voces deRead more


Yuri Cordero, The Virtue of The Process/Yuri Cordero, La Virtud Del Proceso

Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership at Charleston Southern University 9200 University Blvd., North Charleston, SC

Ms. Cordero, Vice President at Univision, the largest Spanish-language network in America, will share excerpts from her new autobiographical book, La Virtud Del Proceso (The Virtue of The Process) at the Whitfield Center at Charleston Southern University on October 1.Read more

Free/Entrada libre

Lecture: “Charleston earthquake of 1886 in the journalistic imaginary of Cuban and patriot José Martí” by Dr. Asela Rodríguez Laguna/Charla: “El terremoto de Charleston en el imaginario periodístico de José Martí” por la Dra. Asela Rodríguez Laguna

Blacklock House, College of Charleston 18 Bull Street, Charleston, SC

Dr. Rodríguez Laguna enters in the role of Cuban poet and patriot José Martí in retelling and describing Charleston’s earthquake in 1886 to the Spanish speaking readership. La Dra. Rodríguez Laguna se centrará en explorar el rol de Martí comoRead more


Hispanic Heritage Speaker Series


MUSC Alliance for Hispanic Health is sponsoring a Weekly lunchtime Speaker Series every Thursday from 12pm to 1pm. Free lunch is provided to the first 25 students.   09/22 – BE* 112 Enrique Grace 09/29 EVENT CANCELLED Nilsy Rapalo, “VocesRead more


Speaker Series: Día de los Muertos: A Glimpse into its Cultural Heritage & as a Setting for Don Giovanni/Serie de oradores: Día de los Muertos: un vistazo a su patrimonio cultural y como escenario para Don Giovanni

Charleston Library Society 164 King Street, Charleston, United States

Charleston Opera Theater y la Charleston Library Socitey se enorgullecen en presentar un panel de discusión sobre la festividad del Día de los Muertos y cómo las tradiciones y festividades vinculadas al festival dieron forma al escenario de la nuevaRead more
