

Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art presents Cry Joy Park—Gardens of Dark and Light

Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art 161 Calhoun St., Charleston, SC, United States

Cry Joy Park—Gardens of Dark and Light is an investigation into the construct of a utopia, inspired by the history of Charleston, South Carolina: a cultural and artistic capital of the American South, and an exemplar of its opulence and beauty. This installationRead more


Halsey Institute—Luncheon in the Garden: Food Justice

Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art 161 Calhoun St., Charleston, SC, United States

As part of Cry Joy Park--Gardens of Dark and Light, artist Jennifer Wen Ma invites the public to a series of lunchtime conversations dealing with exhibition themes. Bring a bag lunch and break bread with the artist as well asRead more


Annex Dance presents Dancing in the Gardens of Cry Joy Park

Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art 161 Calhoun St., Charleston, SC, United States

Annex Dance continues its residency at the College of Charleston with a new site-specific piece for Jennifer Wen Ma's Cry Joy Park, currently on view at the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art.  A group of company members and CofC dance majorsRead more


Opening Reception: “Me and My Girlfriend” at Redux Contemporary Art Center

Redux Contemporary Art Center 1056 King Street, Charleston, SC, United States

Redux Contemporary Art Center is thrilled to present Me and My Girlfriend, a two-person exhibition featuring the work of HNin Nie and Grace Stott. Redux’s annual two-person show examines the interconnectivity and parallels between the work of two distinct creativeRead more


Tua Lingua presents Tonya Solomon | ranT kisSY | donaldxsutherland

Tua Lingua 2701 Surrey Dr., North Charleston, SC, United States

Indirect from NYC, magician Tanya Solomon pulls into our intimate little art space for a night of startling magic including live fish appearing from nowhere, blindfolded targeting with a knife, baffling sleight of hand, and things you never knew couldRead more


Halsey Talks: Art & Activism

Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art 161 Calhoun St., Charleston, SC, United States

Traditionally, art and activism have occupied separate domains. Often, art’s ambiguity and open-endedness lay in contrast to activism’s clear messaging. In recent years, many artists have blurred the line between this supposed distinction, calling attention to issues in their workRead more



Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art presents Katrina Andry: Over There and Here is Me and Me & Colin Quashie: Linked

Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art 161 Calhoun St., Charleston, SC, United States

The work of Katrina Andry probes the power structures of race-based stereotypes. For her exhibition at the Halsey Institute, Andry will explore the stereotypes that engender gentrification. Using printmaking and installation, she creates visceral images that beckon viewers to examineRead more


conneckted TOO – Interactive Performance & Mobile App Launch

Cannon Street Arts Center 134 Cannon Street, Charleston, SC, United States

conNECKtedTOO invites you to the launch of the conNECKtedTOO/TINYisPOWERFUL mobile app and revitalized website. Celebrate the rich and remarkable legacy of Charleston’s TINY, ‘smaller than small’ business community through an interactive performance. This event will serve as the official debutRead more


Opening Reception – Butch Anthony: Inside Out & Coulter Fussell: The Raw Materials of Escape at Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art

Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art 161 Calhoun St., Charleston, SC, United States

Join the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art at the College of Charleston to celebrate the opening reception of their new exhibitions "Butch Anthony: Inside/Out" and "Coulter Fussell: The Raw Materials of Escape." All College of Charleston students, faculty, and staff,Read more

Free – $5