One event on September 30, 2016 at 8:00 pm
One event on October 1, 2016 at 8:00 pm
A Trivial Comedy for Serious People
John Worthing, a carefree young gentleman, invents a fictitious brother, “Ernest,” whose wicked ways afford John an excuse to leave his Summerville home from time to time and journey to Charleston, where he stays with his close friend and confidant, Algernon Moncrieff. During these sojourns, John, under the name Ernest, wins the love of Gwendolen, Algernon’s cousin, for she strongly desires to marry someone with the confidence-inspiring name of Ernest. When Ernest… er John, asks for Gwendolyn’s hand from the formidable Mrs. Bracknell, who is disturbed when John reveals that he is a foundling who was left in a handbag at a Train Station. She insists that he produce at least one parent before she will consent to the marriage. John returns home to his ward Cecily Cardew and her governess Miss Prism to find that Algernon has also arrived under the identity of the nonexistent brother Ernest. Algernon falls deeply for the beautiful Cecily, who has long been enamored with this mysterious brother Ernest. Once Mrs. Bracknell and Gwendolyn reach the country home, chaos erupts.
Don’t miss this classic by Oscar Wilde re-imagined for the Flowertown Stage bringing Victorian London to 1920’s low country!