An event every week that begins at 12:00 pm on Thursday, repeating until October 13, 2022
MUSC Alliance for Hispanic Health is sponsoring a Weekly lunchtime Speaker Series every Thursday from 12pm to 1pm. Free lunch is provided to the first 25 students.
09/22 – BE* 112 Enrique Grace
09/29 EVENT CANCELLED Nilsy Rapalo, “Voces de Bienestar: Un Descubrimiento Interior”
10/06 – BSB** 355 Celina Anthony
10/13 – BSB** 202 – Dr. Andy Maldonado, Professor, College of Pharmacy
*BE = Bioengineering Building located at 68 President Street
**BSB = Basic Science Building located at 173 Ashley Avenue
***MUSC Medical Greenway = 105 Doughty Street,
All the above events are sponsored by the MUSC Alliance for Hispanic Health, are free and open to the public. Check our website for updates
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